I say my imagine does not have good composition they look boring and bland. My editing skills could be way better, I changed the brightness to make the frames really stand out. what I can do differently is edit moreContinue reading… Frame Assignment
angles assignment
I choose this photo because i feel like it really shows me how different types of angles work. you can see how big their fit looks just because of the way the picture was taken. this also reminds me ofContinue reading… angles assignment
I chose this photo because it looks very surreal. I believe this is a passage to greatness. I believe that every path a human takes there is always a lightness that brings you up. That meaning, time aren’t always hard,Continue reading… surrealism
Composition Assignment
Exposure Assignment
A butterfly’s shadow is a tiny copy of itself on the ground. It moves when the butterfly moves, like a little dance partner. When the butterfly flaps its wings, its shadow flaps too. The shadow is soft and fuzzy,Continue reading… Exposure Assignment
What I Learned About Exposure
Exposure is the amount of light that reaches a camera sensor, this allows us to see the certain pictures we see today. Exposure is extensile to the amount of the light we get in a picture. This allows us toContinue reading… What I Learned About Exposure
Textured Assignment
These two photos I found on the internet depict two very similar yet different textured images. I chose the leaf image because it looks very pleasing to the eyes and very calming. I love nature so finding this beautifully texturedContinue reading… Textured Assignment
Hello world!
Welcome to your brand new blog at Edublogs! To get started, simply visit your blog’s dashboard, edit or delete this post and check out all the other options available to you. Like more help? We can walk you through step-by-stepContinue reading… Hello world!